Monday, January 31, 2011

MARK YOUR CALENDARS! MPTO Auction -- Saturday, February 18

As you know, the MPTO (Montessori Parent/ Teacher Organization) is having the annual fundraising auction February 19, to benefit our great school. See details about the auction by visiting the MPTO blog:

To contribute to this auction, our class is working on a children's game table -- two small chairs and a table with a checkerboard  and chalk area painted on top. The children are helping add decorations to the set and are also painting chess and checker pieces to go with the checkerboard.

To help with the cost of the materials purchased, we are asking each child to contribute $3.50 for this project.

If you would like to contribute more to this auction item, we welcome supplemental items. Suggestions include family game night snacks -- like popcorn, chocolate, pretzels and candies -- and other family games -- like UNO, Othello, playing cards and board games. Any and all help in developing this auction item is appreciated!

Please submit your monetary and supplemental contributions by Friday, February 18.

 -- A special thank you to Lisa, our Room Parent, for creating and organizing this auction item -- THANKS LISA!

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