Thursday, September 30, 2010

October...A Month to Make a Difference

There are several interesting observances this month. We start October eating donuts with Dad. Yum! So good; so sweet; so nice to eat together! Now, the mission for the month…to eat better! Remember to drink your milk and eat your fruits and vegetables. How about remembering to eat your spinach?! Ask mom and dad to let you try some cooked or eat it freshly washed and raw in a tossed salad. Just add some strawberries and a few nuts, drizzle with some light vinaigrette, and you have a healthy and delicious meal.
Given that we have a wonderful field trip to the planetarium organized for Friday, October 8, it is fitting October is also designated as National Go on a Field Trip Month. Have you looked up your words for the prize (see September 11 blog entry)?
Let us also not forget our teachers this month as we may acknowledge them on October 5. Kids, make a card, give a hug, and say thank you for all Ms. Farmer and Mrs. Miller do! What a difference they make in the our lives!
Lastly, share your smiles October 1 and keep it going all year long. Our quote of the Month by Marian Wright Edelman is:
We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make which, over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee.
Let’s observe October 23 (Make a Difference Day) and Peace, Friendship and Good Will Week (October 24-30), but let’s also remember we make a difference every day! We make a difference to our parents, our friends, our siblings, our teachers, our school and our community. It all starts with one smile, one kind word, and one unselfish deed. You may never know the positive difference we may make to others, so we must remember how important our actions and words can be.
So, Peace to you and here’s a smile – for you are so special and so worthwhile!
Happy October!
P.S. Look up Alvin C. York (October 8) – learn how he made a difference with his bravery, courage, and reverence.

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